Economics Socium Environment
Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development, 2019, 5(24): 78-83
UDC 347.464.5 : 360

Anatoly Sunduk
Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Senior Researcher,
Head of the Department of Problems of
Land and Forest Resources Economy of the
Public Institution “Institute of Environmental Economics and
Sustainable Development of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”

Oleg Golub
PhD(Econ.), Senior Researcher,
Leading Researcher of the Department of Problems of
Land and Forest Resources Economy of the
Public Institution “Institute of Environmental Economics and
Sustainable Development of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”

Olga Gamzina
Senior Economist of the Department of Problems of
Land and Forest Resources Economy of the
Public Institution “Institute of Environmental Economics and
Sustainable Development of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”
Abstract: The problem of charging and collecting rent payments in a regional dimension is investigated. The features of formation of real and potential rent payments are revealed. The indicators of rent efficiency and financial balance are analyzed. Ways of improvement of rent policy in the field of forestry are formed.
Key words: rent, rent payments, rent accrual, real and potential rent, rent efficiency, forest use.
Language version: Ukrainian

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Article publication date: 2019-04-04
Date of online version: 2019-10-04